ABestClub | Token

The official token of the ABestClub is the successor to the value of the entire platform

The Value of ABestClub Token

The official token of the ABestClub is the successor to the value of the entire platform.
Token’s interoperate with GAIA dynamically applies a unique economic model to all of our ecosystems.

The application scenario

The ABestClub Token is the ABestClub governance token issued on the Binance Chain. The Token has a total supply of 500,000,000 tokens. The application scenario for example:

  • Economic Model of GAIA
  • Remission of Game-service Charge
  • Cashback of Game Discount
  • Receive the Mystery-benefits
  • Test Qualification
  • GameFI2.0
  • Official Activities
  • Discount on Shopping Malls
  • Discount of Quantized Platform
  • Discount of NFT
  • Discount of GameFi
  • Discount of Application
  • Discount of Shopping
  • Platform Governance and Voting

Owners of ABestClub Token can receive free benefits and the remission of service charge for all ABestClub’s games. Included the inner stages of new items and games can also be obtained by holding $ABC to qualify for testing, various official events and voting to get more Token.

ABestClub Token Release Plan

ABestClub Token will be issued/unlocked in accordance with a predetermined schedule, which will last almost 65 months from the date of initial issuance.
The maximum total supply of ABestClub Token will not exceed 500,000,000. With the following planned distribution:

ABestClub Token Release Plan
